Thursday, August 9, 2007

Day Camp

Hey all!! This is Cider's Ma, Oona. (Yes it looks like Ooooona but you say it Own-a, FYI.) I have a question for you and your fine canine friends. Has anyone ever heard of Double Dog Ranch? It's like an adventure camp for dogs and my hubby Brian and I are considering taking Cider there for some fun in the sun when we go on vacation in October. Also, their website has info on a trainer that sounds like he's got a great resume, if anyone knows anything. I'd really like to get Cider thru obedience - ultimate goal: passing the AKC's Canine Good Citizen Test someday. Thanks for your input. See you in the A.M.!!


Jacob Mathai said...

That places looks amazing.

sreddy said...

I've heard of it and know a friend at work who took their pup there and they love it. Shawn

sreddy said...

try as a another place to find boarding or whatever...

Cider's Ma and Pa said...

Thanks to all of you for your input. I appreciate it. Will keep you posted as it goes w/ my info collecting. =) thanks for the heads up on portlandpooch also.